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Dogwood Animal Hospital

2050 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045

Beach Safety Tips for Pets

August 15 2014

Are you thinking of taking your pet with you for a late-summer beach trip? It can be great fun, but make sure your pet will be safe. Here, a Grayson veterinarian offers five beach safety tips.

Supervise Your Pet

Rule number one on the beach: don’t let your pet out of your sight. You don’t want your pet to run away, so you may need to keep him on a leash at all times. Plus, there could be various hazards amongst the dunes, and other beachgoers may not want to be greeted by your pet.

Protect Against the Sun

Just like us, pets need protection against the sun. This couldn’t be more true than when at the beach. Pets can get sunburnt, so try using a dog- or cat-specific sunscreen for areas of exposed skin. These are available at pet supply shops and vet’s offices, so ask your vet to recommend a good product.

Bring Fresh Water

Although there’s an ocean of water nearby, it’s important to bring fresh bottled water for your pet to drink. Salty ocean water will irritate your pet’s stomach and only make him thirstier, plus there could be various bacteria or other dangerous substances in the water. Offer your pet his own fresh water periodically to keep him well hydrated.

Ocean Safety

Is your pet going to venture into the waves? It’s important that pets don’t go too far out, so keep your furry companion close to the shore. Even dogs who are experienced swimmers can be taken off guard by ocean currents. Always stay with your pet in the ocean to offer a supporting hand.

Rinse Out Your Pet’s Coat

When beach day is over, don’t forget an important step: rinsing out your pet’s fur. Salty water and beach sand will irritate and dry out your pet’s skin, leading to dull coats, itching, and more. Use fresh water from a garden hose or the tub to rinse your pet off thoroughly.

Make your next family beach day fun for all involved—ask your Grayson vet for even more helpful beach tips!

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