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Dogwood Animal Hospital

2050 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045

Caring For A Longhaired Cat

November 1 2019

Do you have a longhaired cat? While we think all kitties are cute, fluffy ones are extra adorable. Although our feline pals are usually pretty good about keeping up with their beauty regimens, your pet will need help taking care of all that hair. Read on for some tips from a Grayson, GA vet on caring for your furry pal.


We recommend brushing your feline friend a few times a week. This will remove dead fur and tangles from her coat. (Bonus: you’ll find less fur stuck to, well, everything.) Pick a time when Fluffy is feeling relaxed and a bit sleepy. Brush her gently, going in the direction of her fur. Incorporate treats, ear scritches, and compliments to make the process more pleasant for her. When your furball has had enough, just let her go.


Proper nutrition is important for many reasons, but it’s also crucial for your pet’s fur. A good diet that contains the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients Fluffy needs—such as Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids—will keep her coat shiny and smooth. It will also reduce the amount of dead fur she sheds. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Fur Busting

Are you constantly finding pet fur all over the place? Use a squeegee or a rubber dish glove to get cat fur off your sofa and chairs. You may also want to keep a lint roller handy. To quickly remove fur from a piece of clothing, toss it in the dryer with a damp washcloth for a few minutes.


All cats are prone to getting hairballs. However, hairballs are especially common in longhaired kitties. (This does make sense. After all, more fur means more hairballs.) However, hairballs aren’t just a yucky nuisance. They can actually be quite dangerous. If Fluffy can’t expel her hairballs properly, she could end up with a painful—and dangerous—intestinal blockage. Ask your vet to recommend a hairball preventative. Brushing will also help here, as you’ll be capturing that fur with a brush before your kitty swallows it.


You may want to trim the area around Fluffy’s bottom. This will help keep her from getting litter and fecal matter stuck there. Just be sure to use scissors with round ends.

Please contact us, your Grayson, GA vet clinic, for your floofy pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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