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Dogwood Animal Hospital

2050 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045

Safety Tips for Walking Fido

October 15 2019

October is Walk Your Dog Month! Of course, for many of you, every month is Walk Your Dog Month. However, October’s cool temperatures make for perfect weather for taking your canine buddy for a stroll. Just be sure to put safety first. Read on for some great safety tips from a Grayson, GA vet.

Train Your Pet

Make sure that your canine pal knows basic commands, such as Sit, Stay, Heel, and Come. This is very important! If your pup jerks the leash out of your hand, proper training can help you stop him from running off. Also, you want to be able to keep Fido from approaching dangerous spots or strange animals.

Use Proper Gear

Use a sturdy leash that won’t snap or break. Be extra careful with retractable leashes. If the mechanism jams, your four-legged friend could run into traffic, get entangled with another dog, or approach a dangerous area. These are really best used in safe, enclosed areas.

Stay Aware

If you’re walking on the side of a road, keep Fido to the outside, so he doesn’t wander into traffic. Also, don’t let your dog get in front of you, especially as you’re crossing driveways or intersections.

Ear Buds

It’s important to be alert and aware of your surroundings. If you wear earbuds, keep the volume low, so you can monitor what’s going on around you. You need to be able to hear things like squealing brakes, approaching footsteps, sirens, or barking dogs.

Night Walks

Be extra careful when walking your dog after dark. Keep nighttime walks short and sweet, stick to well-lit, familiar paths, and take a phone with you. We also recommend using reflective gear on Fido, and wearing light-colored clothing yourself.

Foot Care

Be sure to wear shoes that have a good tread, so you won’t slip and fall. You’ll also need to care for Fido’s furry feet. Your pooch can burn his paws walking on hot surfaces, like tar or asphalt. Use paw balm to protect your canine friend’s feet, and keep him on soft surfaces, especially in hot weather.


Summer can be tough on our furry friends! When it’s really hot out, walk Fido in the morning and evening, when it’s a little cooler.

Please reach out to us, your Grayson, GA vet clinic, for all your dog’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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