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Dogwood Animal Hospital

2050 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045

New Year’s Resolutions for People With Kittens

January 1 2018

Happy New Year! Has a kitten recently joined your household? If so, you’re definitely in for some super cute moments in the coming year! Why not include your pet in your resolutions this year? Below, a Grayson, GA vet lists some great resolutions for people with baby cats.

Teach Good Petiquette

It’s much easier to instill good habits in a kitten than to try and correct bad behavior in a full-grown feline. Nip bad habits, like improper scratching and rough play, in the bud. You should never punish your cat for misbehaving, however. If little Fluffy does something wrong, make a loud noise or squirt her with water. You’ll also need to reward your furball for behaving correctly. Offer your kitty toys, treats, and praise when she’s being good.

Provide A Fun, Comfy Atmosphere

Make your home cozy and entertaining for little Fluffy by setting out kitty furniture, lots of toys, and plenty of comfy napping spots.

Kittyproof Your Home

Kittens are basically tiny, adorable bundles of mischief. Your tiny furball will want to explore every inch of her domain, and figure out what she can and can’t eat, play with, or fit into. Make your home safe for your adorable little adventurer by removing or securing anything that could be dangerous, such as toxic plants; plastic bags and wrappers; wires and cords; chemicals; and small or sharp items.

Visit The Vet

Your feline buddy will need to visit the vet a few times in that first year. Little Fluffy will need microchipping and spay/neuter surgery, as well as her initial exams and vaccinations. In between visits, keep a close eye out for signs of illness. Kittens are very small and fragile, and can get sick very quickly! Contact your vet immediately if you notice anything amiss.

Take Pictures!

Remember to take lots of pictures of your feline friend while she’s small. Little Fluffy will be all grown up before you know it!


It’s very important for you to make sure your furry buddy feels loved and safe. Pay lots of attention to little Fluffy, and let her cuddle up on you for naps. This will help your kitty grow into a friendly, well-adjusted adult cat. Plus, it’s almost impossible to resist kitten snuggles!

Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us, your Grayson, GA pet clinic, today!

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