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Dogwood Animal Hospital

2050 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045

My Dog Loves to Leap on People

February 15 2015

Your rambunctious Labrador retriever Benny has acquired a new nickname: The Happy Leaper. Your super-friendly dog absolutely loves people, and he shows his affection by happily jumping on them. While your family tolerates your agreeable dog’s antics, some of your home’s visitors haven’t been as pleased. Since Benny clearly needs some discipline, your veterinarian Grayson will provide your canine delinquent with some behavioral counseling.

Jumping for Sheer Joy

Sometimes, Benny just has to express his excitement about his good fortune. Whether you return from a long day at work, or make a quick trip to the store, your excited dog can’t wait to greet you. When you pick up your pooch’s leash for a walk, or pour his favorite kibbles for a meal, he just can’t contain himself. Your dog jumps on you because he’s full of pure, unadulterated joy.

Stop That Obnoxious Behavior

Since you’ve analyzed Benny’s body language, you know when he’s ready to hurl himself at his chosen target. Before he launches himself into the air, loudly say “No!” and ignore his totally shocked reaction. Once your surprised dog calms down, praise him for his more desirable behavior. Most importantly, respond the same way every time your dog tries those unacceptable tactics.

Obedience Training Is Key

Since your unruly dog desperately needs some obedience training, get him into a basic or refresher class immediately. Regularly practice the crucial “Sit” and “Down-Stay” commands, as they’ll provide some much-needed structure. Also, when Benny’s sitting or lying down, he’ll find it tougher to jump on someone. Finally, give your energetic dog lots of exercise consistent with his body’s abilities. Hopefully, he’ll be too tired to jump on everyone he meets.

Finally, get Benny under control before you greet your visitors. Firmly grab your dog’s leash, open the door, and let him demonstrate that he’s turned over a new leaf. If he refuses to obey your commands, give him just enough leash for a “Sit” or “Down-Stay” behavior, and stand on the rest. Once he realizes he’s out of options, he’ll likely come around to the desired response.

When your canine housemate next visits your veterinarian Grayson, the vet will be pleased that your dog has cleaned up his act. If you’d like some behavioral counseling for your canine family member, contact us for an appointment.

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