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Dogwood Animal Hospital

2050 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045

Cat Care 101: Fluffy's Basic Needs

May 17 2022

Our feline pals are known for being very easy keepers. In fact, out of all of the animals that we’ve domesticated, they may be the most independent. That doesn’t mean your cat is entirely self-sufficient, though. A local vet lists some of the things your furry friend requires in this article.


Good nutrition is the foundation of any good kitty care routine. While buying cat food isn’t rocket science, there are things to consider. You’ll need to decide whether to give your pet wet food, kibble, or both. It’s also important to pick a food that is appropriate for Fluffy’s age, health, and lifestyle. Ask your vet for recommendations.


Our feline friends are all unique, but they do have at least one thing in common: a love of naps. Fluffy can sleep up to 20 hours a day! Offer your drowsy pet lots of beds and comfy napping spots. (That includes lap space.)


Hydration is crucial to not just your feline buddy’s survival, but also her overall health. Many cats prefer to drink running water, so you might want to get Fluffy a fountain. If you have more than one kitty, and/or let your cat go outside, put out extra water bowls.


Fluffy can’t spend all of her time sleeping. You’ll need to offer her stimulation and enrichment. Make sure your kitty has plenty of playthings. Cats all have their own individual tastes, so pay attention to what your feline buddy prefers.

Veterinary Care

Cats tend to be fairly hardy, but they do need proper health care. Your kitty will need regular exams, as well as vaccines and parasite control. We also recommend getting Fluffy microchipped and spayed or neutered. 


Most kitties are pretty good about keeping themselves clean. However, longhaired cats do need some help here. Fluffy will also need more assistance with her beauty regime as she ages.

Kitty Must-Haves

A clean litterbox is at the top of this list. Fluffy will also appreciate having scratching posts, kitty furniture, catnip, and the occasional empty box.


Pets need to feel loved to truly thrive. Spend time with Fluffy and pay attention to her. Talk to her, pet her, and offer her lap space. Purrs are truly precious!

Do you have questions or concerns about your cat’s care? Contact us, your animal clinic!

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