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Dogwood Animal Hospital

2050 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045

“Pawsome” Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Dog

October 1 2020

October is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month!

This is a great cause, and one that we’re happy to spread awareness about. If you’re ready to bring a new pup into your home, please consider getting a shelter dog. This is a great way to find your furry new friend! Many former shelter dogs are now happy, beloved family pets, and are extremely loving and loyal to their humans. A Lawrenceville, GA vet lists some great reasons to get Fido from a shelter in this article.

Save A Life

If you love animals, you may very well wish you could help every homeless dog out there. That’s too much for any one person to manage, unfortunately. However, you can give at least one pooch a fairy-tale ending. Knowing you’ve given a cute pup a second chance at happiness is a wonderful feeling! Adopting Fido may not change the world, but it will change his world … and yours.

Pick The Perfect Pup

Dogs come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. No matter what you are looking for, you’ll find plenty of pups to choose from. The variety of pooches you’ll find in shelter is great, because it helps you find pets that really suit your home and lifestyle. This is something to think carefully about. If you’re athletic, choose a dog that will enjoy going hiking and camping with you. If you’re more of an indoor type, a calm, quiet couch potato may be a better fit.

Save Money

Adopting from a shelter is also very cost-efficient. In many cases, shelter dogs have already been fixed. This may also you save money on veterinary care.

Help Other Animals

When you adopt from a shelter, you’re also helping other homeless pets. The kennel Fido was occupying won’t be empty for long. You’ll be freeing space for another cute pup to get a chance at being adopted. Plus, your canine pal’s adoption fees will help the shelter care for its other furry wards.

Tail Wags

Dogs are very smart, and they know when someone has helped them. It’s always adorable seeing how happy they get when they realize they have been adopted. Tail wags, puppy smooches, and happy dances are all precious in our book!

Please reach out to us, your Lawrenceville, GA vet clinic, for all your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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